Qingdao Hydro Park Machinery Co., Ltd.


  • Apr 2nd, 2021

    An Effective Solution For Organizing 2-Storey Parking With Scissor Lift

    Car lifts are a modern solution for creating comfortable storage of cars, allowing economical use of parking space based on hydraulic lifting equipment.

  • Apr 1st, 2021

    World'S Highest Smart Stereo Garage Opened In Lhasa

    The first smart stereo garage was recently officially launched in Lhasa, Tibet, at 3,650 meters above sea level. The garage was built by CIMC IOT, an innovative enterprise directly part of the CIMC group, for a local residential oasis project. The garage is 8 floors high and has 167 parking spaces.The project manager said that this is the highest 3D garage to date

  • Mar 26th, 2021

    What Are The Advantages Of Installing Parking Sysytem In Residential Area?

    With the rise in the standard of living of people and the rapid increase in the number of vehicles, people have ever higher parking requirements. Thanks to the intelligent parking management system, many people prefer this system in people's lives. Now, more and more people are installing intelligent parking management system, which not only has an ever higher level of intelligence, but also brings convenience and happiness to people's lives and improves their quality of life. It improves efficiency. The intelligent parking system has irreplaceable advantages in community vehicle management, which are mainly reflected in the following aspects.

  • Mar 25th, 2021

    Implementation Of The Parking System Function And Analysis Of The Prospects For The Use Of Automated Parking

    The system of charging for parking is born out of paying for public parking. The intelligent parking system mainly solves the problems of traditional manual parking management, charging, such as complicated charging process, low traffic efficiency and lost tickets. With the advancement of technology, many new types of parking management systems have emerged. Due to some functional characteristics of the parking management system, parking is becoming more and more intelligent.

  • Mar 22nd, 2021

    How To Park A Car In Rotary Parking System?

    Rotary parking systems began to conquer cities, but those who first encounter such a system do not quite understand how to interact with it?

  • Mar 20th, 2021

    What Functions Should Large Public Parking System Have?

    Some parking lots like railway stations, schools, exhibition halls, airports and other large-scale public parking lots are more used to provide parking services for temporary users. They are characterized by temporary storage of the car, one-time use of the parking area, short parking time, frequent access, and so on. Therefore, these car parks must be designed in accordance with these characteristics, and the design must be simple, practical and meet income requirements. A large public car parking lot should have the following functions of managing, parking fees, and reduce parking operating costs:

  • Mar 18th, 2021

    What Are The Types Of Parking Systems?

    Planeparkingsystemiscommontypeandthemaintypeofdomesticparking, generallybuiltinthebasementofthebuildings,butalsosomebuiltinthesquares, besidetheroad.Hotels,units,factoriesgenerallyalsousethistypeofparking.Plane parkinglotisalsocalledinductiveparkinglot,becauseitgenerallyadoptsICcards inductivereadingmode.

  • Mar 16th, 2021

    Smart Parking: Convenient For A Car - Convenient For A Person

    There have never been as many cars in the world as there are today. Two or even three cars often “live” in one family, and the issue of parking is one of the most acute and urgent in modern housing construction. Will “smart home” help solve it, and what modern technologies make parking convenient and invisible?

  • Mar 15th, 2021

    Stereo Garage Fire Prevention Measures

    At present, the urban population is becoming more and more dense. In order to solve the problem of insufficient urban parking area, the three-dimensional garage has been put into use. Especially in summer, the temperature is high and the climate is dry and easy to catch fire, and many three-dimensional garages are airtight. Therefore, it is necessary to consider the issue of fire protection to ensure safety. Therefore, the fire protection design should meet the following requirements.

  • Mar 9th, 2021

    China Parking Plan Of 35 Key Cities In 2021

    In 2021, the two sessions and departmental work meetings will be held one after another. Mrcpo, China parking Network Market Research Center, collected and sorted out the 2021 annual work tasks and plans related to parking in the government work reports, national economy and development plans, departmental work meetings and work plans of 35 key cities, and will release them in batches.

  • Mar 5th, 2021

    Safety Tips Entering Mechanical Parking Garage

    The public mechanical garage has a table with parking specifications. Before and after entering the parking lot, you should carefully check the surrounding signs to see if the size of your vehicle can be accommodated.

  • Feb 18th, 2021

    Rotary Parking System: What Is This? How Does It Work?

    Rotary parking system - the most economical system offering up to 10 times the number of parking spaces on the smallest floor space, and a simple control system which eliminates the need for special service personnel. An interest in automated parking system started in the 1940s, but soared in the 60s and 70s, fueled by the economic boom of that era. As one of the most space-effective automated parking system, Mutrade’s rotary parking systems (ARP) provide the greatest savings in parking space, it increase parking capacity up to 10 times compared to traditional parking.
