Qingdao Hydro Park Machinery Co., Ltd.


  • Nov 29th, 2022


    As urban private vehicles increase, lead to urban parking unprecedented tight parking lot parking access process complex inefficient vehicles, stereoscopic parking has become a trend Existing three-dimensional parking structure with complex and more for parking garage, needs of personnel management,

  • Nov 24th, 2022


    As urban private vehicles increase, lead to urban parking unprecedented tight parking lot parking access process complex inefficient vehicles, stereoscopic parking has become a trend Existing three-dimensional parking structure with complex and more for parking garage, needs of personnel management,

  • Nov 22nd, 2022

    International Exhibition of Parking Equipment – Parking Russia 2022

    Mutrade will take part in the International Exhibition of Equipment and Technologies for Arrangement and Operation of Parking Space Parking Russia 2022

  • Nov 14th, 2022

    The overview of scissor parking

    China's ordinary people can afford a car, but can't afford to stop the car So, did they disorderly parking The Chinese city managers and server to come up with enough money and space to accommodate the growing vehicles, they like to do, and then do nothing So, more and more people go out or come hom

  • Nov 8th, 2022

    Robotic parking: you don't have to know how to park!

    When mechanized parking is included in the house project, the question of the cost of mechanized parking remains important. How much do mechanized parking lots cost?

  • Oct 31st, 2022

    How much do mechanized parking lots cost?

    When mechanized parking is included in the house project, the question of the cost of mechanized parking remains important. How much do mechanized parking lots cost?

  • Oct 28th, 2022

    The development of puzzle parking

    Puzzle Parking has undergone great changes in recent years. According to its own shortcomings, it has made corresponding adjustments and presented new organizational methods and characteristics. We will discuss and study this topic below. Here is the content list:l The overview of mobile puzzle...

  • Oct 24th, 2022

    What is rotary parking?

    With the rapid increase in private car ownership, vehicle parking has become a problem that plagues people's travel. If there are not enough parking spaces, it is easy to cause too many vehicles parked in disorder on the road, which is not conducive to the smooth flow of traffic. Rotary parking are

  • Oct 21st, 2022

    What are the advantages of rotary parking?

    With the improvement of the living standards of urban residents and the rapid increase in the number of private cars, many cities are facing the problem of tight parking spaces and difficulty in parking. In this case, rotary parking came into being, by virtue of the maximization of space utilization

  • Sep 24th, 2022


    Mutrade parking systems can be used both indoors and outdoors. But since the climatic conditions of different countries have their own characteristics, it's can be recommended to make partial or complete coverage of the structure of parking systems. Let's see what these covers are and what functions they perform!

  • Sep 16th, 2022


    Heavy rains often turn into floods and flooding of streets - not only houses, infrastructure, but also cars suffer. What can their owners face now and how to avoid troubles in the future?

  • Sep 9th, 2022

    AUTOMATED PARKING: a smart solution to the parking problem

    Gone are the days when car owners, buying a new apartment, did not think about where to store their car. To solve the problem of lack of parking spaces around the world, multi-level mechanized parking lots have been used for more than 50 years, which have two main advantages over conventional car parks. - Qingdao Mutrade
